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게임 타이틀 - AirAttack 2 - WW2 Airplanes Shooter

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AirAttack 2 - WW2 Airplanes Shooter

플랫폼에서 다운받기

게임 소개

해시태그가 없습니다.

Top down air combat shooter with stunning 3D graphics and amazing orchestral soundtrack.
Enjoy the classic atmosphere of WW2 arcade shoot 'em up (or shmup) in modern rendering.
Prepare your plane and destroy the axis powers with Flamethrower, Tail Gunner, Bombs, ...

* 22 Campaign Missions + Survival Mission
* Fully destructible 3D environment
* Orchestral soundtrack with 30 unique tracks
* Daily Events with rewards
* 6 Player Airplanes + skins
* Airplane Upgrades: Flamethrower, Tail Gunner, Bombs, Lasers, Wingmen, Homing Rockets, ...
* Amazing Lighting and Explosion Effects
* Landscape / Portrait orientation
* support for Android TV, S-Pen, Gamepad, Mouse, Keyboard
* can be played Offline

If you like our game, please do not forget to rate it. Thanks!
Graphics quality can be changed in game [Settings]
업데이트 날짜
2022. 5. 5.
필요한 Android 버전
4.3 이상
5,000,000+회 다운로드
인앱 구매
항목당 ₩1,500 - ₩15,000
콘텐츠 등급
만 7세 이상 • 폭력 암시, 가벼운 폭력 자세히 알아보기
데이터 보안
세부정보 보기
상호작용 요소
디지털 구매
2016. 5. 21.

이 게임의 전체 평점


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게임 리뷰

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