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게임 타이틀 - Ticket to Ride

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Ticket to Ride

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게임 소개

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Ticket to Ride
게임 소개

Set off with your friends and family to re(discover) Ticket to Ride, the classic boardgame. In this railway adventure, you’ll need to be the quickest to link up your cities and reach your destinations.

In this strategy game for all ages, try out different tactics, block your competitors’ lines and take over routes before the others do. With so many different strategies to try, each new game is a unique experience.

Travel the world from Europe to India, passing through the legendary China, facing new challenges by purchasing additional cards with their own special rules (available in expansion packs).

- A tutorial teaches you the rules of the game so you can head off quickly on your adventure
- Play in single-player mode, online multi-player against the whole world, or local multi-player with your friends
- This is the official adaptation of Alan R. Moon’s best-selling boardgame, Ticket to Ride, which sold over 8 million copies.
- An easy-to-play strategy game
- No game is ever the same, you can play over and over again
- Discover a series of add-ons with special maps and rules
- Challenge players all over the world in cross-platform mode
가족 콘텐츠 라이브러리에 추가 가능
자세히 알아보기
업데이트 날짜
2021. 2. 8.
필요한 Android 버전
4.0.3 이상
100,000+회 다운로드
인앱 구매
항목당 ₩1,100 - ₩6,900
콘텐츠 등급
전체이용가 자세히 알아보기
데이터 보안
세부정보 보기
상호작용 요소
사용자 상호작용, 인게임 구매
2013. 6. 5.
Asmodee Digital

이 게임의 전체 평점


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