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게임 타이틀 - Wordfeud Premium

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Wordfeud Premium

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게임 소개

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Wordfeud Premium
게임 소개
Ad free version of Wordfeud with statistics.

Play against 30 million opponents!

Wordfeud is a multiplayer puzzle game where you can challenge friends and random opponents and play in up to 30 separate games simultaneously!

Create and place words on the 15 by 15 tile board and earn points for creativity and placing letters on the high scoring Double Letter, Double Word, Triple Letter and Triple Word tiles.

Search for friends to play against or allow Wordfeud to match you up with an opponent. Even chat with them - smack talk or praise - it's your choice!

Tired of the same standard board each game? Choose the option to randomize the board and change up where the DL, TL, DW, TW tiles are placed - giving the classic game a new twist!

- Choose to play with friends or be matched up against random opponents
- Play in 30 simultaneous games!
- Random board option to mix up the DL, DW, TL, TW tiles
- Push notifications informing you of opponent's latest move
- Uses English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish dictionaries
- Chat with your opponents

For more information on Wordfeud, visit us at Wordfeud.com and follow on Twitter @wordfeud. Also check out the Facebook fan page at http://www.facebook.com/WordfeudGame
가족 콘텐츠 라이브러리에 추가 가능
자세히 알아보기
기기에 따라 다릅니다.
업데이트 날짜
2022. 4. 27.
필요한 Android 버전
기기에 따라 다릅니다.
500,000+회 다운로드
콘텐츠 등급
만 3세 이상 자세히 알아보기
데이터 보안
세부정보 보기
상호작용 요소
사용자 상호작용, 디지털 구매
2010. 10. 5.
Bertheussen IT

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