게임 소개
해시태그가 없습니다.Tasty Blue
게임 소개
In Tasty Blue, you play as a tiny goldfish with an insatiable appetite. After being overfed by your owner, you escape into the ocean and begin to eat everything that you encounter. The more you eat, the bigger you get!
In addition to the goldfish, you can also play as a hungry dolphin and a ravenous shark. The dolphin starts off as an overworked aquarium star, forced to jump through flaming hoops for food. He escapes from captivity by eating his way through the aquarium and taking revenge on his trainer. The shark is the final playable character, an artificial fish created by scientists to save Earth's oceans. It uses self-replicating nano technology to consume everything in its path and convert their matter into its own. There's no telling how big this shark will get.
업데이트 날짜
2020. 12. 7.
필요한 Android 버전
4.1 이상
10,000,000+회 다운로드
인앱 구매
항목당 ₩5,500
콘텐츠 등급
만 7세 이상 • 가벼운 폭력 자세히 알아보기
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상호작용 요소
디지털 구매
2017. 9. 11.
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